Friday 24 June 2011

Questions a husband and wife can ask each other to encourage each other

Post taken from Brian Croft's excellent Practical Shepherding blog. You can read the post here.

Questions a husband can ask his wife to encourage needed discussions.
Posted by briancroft on May 25, 2011 in Home and Family |
 My post a few weeks back on what might be a surprising way to love your wife,brought requests of other additional questions that could be good discussion starters for a husband and wife.  One request came from a dear pastor friend of mine preparing for a special vacation with his wife and wanted to engage her in some fruitful discussion while on it.  Here is what I sent him and thought I would make it available to those of you who were requesting other questions of a similar spirit. 
Here are 10 additional questions that husbands can and should be asking their wives if they desire to study, learn, and understand how to best love and care for them.  You will notice some are more specific for a pastor and his wife.
- What can I do to make you feel like I enjoy being with you more than anyone else?
- What are some things I can do to encourage you, spiritually?
- What can I do to help relieve the stress of life responsibilities?
- How can I best serve you in dealing with our children?
- What can I do to heighten your desire for physical intimacy?
- What can I do to make you feel our family is the priority over ministry?
- What can I do to help you grow in a love to serve our church?
- What kinds of moments when our family is together do you cherish the most?
- What do you love most about serving in ministry together?  Greatest challenge?
Husbands and pastors, I hope these questions provoke much helpful and fruitful discussions that will lead you to a greater love and enjoyment of the wife of your youth as well as to equip you to love her in such a way that she feels loved and care for.

I am grateful that my previous post for husbands has brought with it the same request from the wives.  Since I feel much more qualified to write the questions that wives can ask their husbands to encourage us…here are 10 questions for you:
- What is something I can do that makes you feel loved by me?
- What are some things I can say in front of our children that would make you feel respected and honored?
- How can I make your time when you come home from work more restful and relaxing?
- What are some things I say or do that make you feel like I am being disrespectful?
- What is your desired expectation for physical intimacy?
- What can I say or do that makes you feel I support your ministry?
- How can I spiritually encourage you?
- How can I best care for you when you are discouraged?
- What is the best way to approach you if I feel our schedule is out of control?
- How can I support you in the discipleship of our children?
A few of these questions will be more for pastors and their wives, but I am confident most of these questions will be accurate in touching any Christian husband’s heart and provoke him to share about the things that are important to him.

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