Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wayne Grudem on Prophecy (Mp3 Teaching)

This is Wayne Grudem speaking on the gift of prophecy from his Systemetic Theology Lessons that he did at his church.

Gift of Prophecy: Systematic Theology

Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology Mp3 Lectures

Systematic Theology (MP3 Lecture Series) by Wayne Grudem
The following 117-Part Lecture Series on Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is in MP3 format. to Download, right click and save to your hard drive. To Download in iTunes click here.
The Canon of Scripture: Old Testament Canon 

The Canon of Scripture: New Testament Canon 

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #1 - Authority (1 of 2)

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #1 - Authority (2 of 2)

The Inerrancy of Scripture (1 of 3)

The Inerrancy of Scripture (2 of 3)

The Inerrancy of Scripture (3 of 3)

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #2 - Clarity

How to Interpret the Bible (1 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (2 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (3 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (4 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (5 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (6 of 7)

How to Interpret the Bible (7 of 7)

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #3 - Necessity

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #4 - Sufficiency (1 of 2)

The Four Characteristics of Scripture: #4 - Sufficiency (2 of 2)

The Doctrine of God: The Existence of God

Incommunicable Attributes (1 of 4)

Incommunicable Attributes (2 of 4)

Incommunicable Attributes (3 of 4)

What is Time? & Incommunicable Attributes (4 of 4)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (1 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (2 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (3 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (4 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (5 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (6 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (7 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (8 of 9)

The Character of God: Communicable Attributes (9 of 9)

The Trinity (1 of 4)

The Trinity (2 of 4)

The Trinity (3 of 4)

The Trinity (4 of 4)

The Doctrine of Creation (1 of 4)

The Doctrine of Creation (2 of 4)

The Doctrine of Creation (3 of 4)

The Doctrine of Creation (4 of 4)

God's Providence (1 of 3)

God's Providence (2 of 3)

God's Providence (3 of 3)

Doctrine of Miracles (1 of 3)

Doctrine of Miracles (2 of 3)

Doctrine of Miracles (3 of 3)

Doctrine of Prayer (1 of 4)

Doctrine of Prayer (2 of 4)

Doctrine of Prayer (4 of 4)

Doctrine of Angels (1 of 2)

Doctrine of Angels (2 of 2)

Doctrine of Satan & Demons (1 of 3)

Doctrine of Satan & Demons (2 of 3)

Doctrine of Satan & Demons (3 of 3)

Doctrine of Man: Creation of Man in the Image of God

Doctrine of Man: Manhood and Womanhood in Creation and Marriage (1 or 2)

Doctrine of Man: Manhood and Womanhood in Creation and Marriage (2 or 2)

Doctrine of Man: The Essential Nature of Man

Doctrine of Sin (1 of 3)

Doctrine of Sin (2 of 3)

Doctrine of Sin (3 of 3)

Doctrine of Covenants: Covenants Between God and Man

The Person of Christ (1 of 3)

The Person of Christ (2 of 3)

The Person of Christ (3 of 3)

Doctrine of the Atonement (1 of 4)

Doctrine of the Atonement (2 of 4)

Doctrine of the Atonement (3 of 4)

Doctrine of the Atonement (4 of 4)

Doctrine of the Resurrection (1 of 2)

Doctrine of the Resurrection (2 of 2)

The Offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest, & King (1 of 2)

The Offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest, & King (2 of 2)

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (1 of 3)

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (2 of 3)

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (3 of 3)

Doctrine of Common Grace

Doctrine of Election and Reprobation (1 of 2)

Doctrine of Election and Reprobation (2 of 2)

The Gospel Call & Effective Calling

Doctrine of Regeneration

Doctrine of Conversion (Faith & Repentance)

Doctrine of Justification (1 of 2)

Doctrine of Justification (2 of 2)

Doctrine of Adoption

Doctrine of Sanctification (1 of 3)

Doctrine of Sanctification (2 of 3)

Doctrine of Sanctification (3 of 3)

Baptism in and Filling with the Holy Spirit

Perseverance of the Saints (1 of 2)

Perseverance of the Saints (2 of 2)

Death and the Intermediate State

Doctrine of Glorification

Union with Christ

The Church: Its Nature, Its Marks, and Its Purposes (1 of 2)

The Church: Its Nature, Its Marks, and Its Purposes (2 of 2)

The Purity and Unity of the Church

Power of the Church and Church Discipline (1 of 3)

Power of the Church and Church Discipline (2 of 3)

Power of the Church and Church Discipline (3 of 3)

Church Government (1 of 3)

Church Government (2 of 3)

Church Government (3 of 3)

Church Govt. - Role of Women in the Church


The Lords Supper


Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 of 3)

Gifts of the Holy Spirit (2 of 3)

Gifts of the Holy Spirit (3 of 3)

Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Prophecy

Gift of Tongues - Christ's Return

The return of Christ: When and How?

The Millennium: Amillennial and Postmillennial views

The Millennium: Premillennial view

The Final Judgment and Eternal Punishment

The New Heavens and New Earth