Friday, 22 April 2011

by Subject: Bible Teaching Mp3s

I wasn't sure quite how to organise these so took my cue from Wayne Grudem's excellent Systematic Theology and arranged the topics roughly according to his chapter outlines. Just click on the sections (or subheadings) to navigate through the Mp3s. I hope they're helpful. I'll be updating these continually.

Wayne Grudem Teaching through all chapters of his textbook 'Systematic Theology'.

Systematic Theology
1. God (Theology)
Trinity; Jesus; The Holy Spirit
2. The Word of God (Bibliology)
The Word of God, Preaching; Innerancy & Authority
3. Creation
Evolution; Creationism; 
4. Man (Anthropology)
Sin; Image of God; 
5. History of Redemption
Israel, Church History, Christian Biographies,Biblical Theology,  
6. Jesus Messiah
Person; Incarnation; Atonement; Resurrection & Ascension; Offices.
7. The Holy Spirit
Baptism in the Spirit; Gifts of the Spirit.
8. Application of Redemption (Soteriology)
The Gospel, What do we need to be saved; New birth; Predestination; Can we lose salvation (Perseverance of the Saints). Sanctification
9. Spiritual Growth
Relationship with God; Spiritual Formation (Spiritual Disciplines); Prayer
10. The Church (Ecclesiology)
Models of Church, Worship; Mission; Discipleship; Filling & Gifts of the Spirit; Church Government (Elders); Roles of Men & Women, Baptism; Lord's Supper; Ephesians 4 (Apostles,Prophets,Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers), Church History
11. Family
ManhoodWomanhood, Purity, Lust &pornography; Marriage; Parenting & Children
12. The End (Eschatology)
Jesus' second coming; Judgement; Hell; Millenium; New Creation.