Thursday 15 March 2012

Radical Conference SBTS (ft. David Platt)

General Sessions
General Session 1: David Platt
General Session 2: Kevin De Young
General Session 3: Q&A Panel
General Session 4: Russel Moore
General Session 5: Albert Mohler

Breakout Sessions
  1. Why God demands our purity and our holiness - Brian Croft
  2. Radical Evangelism - Ryan Fullerton
  3. The Mission of the Church - Gilbert & DeYoung
  4. Christianity and the city - aaron coe
  5. the new testament and the glory of christ - Schreiner
  6. why the spiritual disciplines are so radical - whitney
  7. Church's mission and justice - Rssell Moore
  8. Turth-believers, truth telllers - stephen wellum
  9. Beholding Christ's glory - becoming christ's likeness - bruce ware
  10. christ and the counselor - jeremy pierre
  11. engaging the culture fro the king - mark coppenger
  12. sports and the spirit of christ - david prince
  13. theology driven missions - zane pratt
  14. gospel centred apologetics - timothy paul jones
  15. radical manhood - randy stinson and dan dumas
  16. radical womanhood - mary mohler
  17. jesus and the religions of the owlrd - travis kerns
  18. christinaity and the college campus - dan dewitt
  19. calvinism for the college student - daniel montgomery
  20. gospel and homosexuality - denny burk
  21. homelessness, mercy and the christian - john fferguson
  22. gospel hiphop revolution - owen stracan
  23. radical relationships - steve and candice watters
  24. radical community and the local church - matt hall

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