Thursday 14 July 2011

Series on cessationism/continuationism of the charismatic gifts - Two perpectives from two friends on Why they are (Sam Storms) and are not (Michael Patton) Charismatics

This looks like it will be a very interesting series of blog posts with a post by a cessationist (Michael Patton) and a continuationist/charismatic (Sam Storms) with them putting forward their position and the other responding to the post. Both are from a similar background and both argued against the continuation of the charismatic gifts but Sam Storms changed his position whilst Michael Patton didn't.

The series begins with each of them giving their stories. You can view the whole series here. Patton says its not so much a debate as a discussion.

Here is a list of the subjects that they'll cover (quoted from Patton's blog).

1. Introduction and personal history (where we are and why): Sam and I both come from backgrounds that were not favorable to the Charismatic gifts, to say the least. Both of us are graduates of Dallas Theological Seminary which, at one time, used to be considered the bastion of cessationism (i.e. not Charismatic) . Both of us have spent time arguing against the Charismatic movement. However, Sam changed his position and I have not.
2. Introduction to the debate: Here we will discuss who is on which side of the debate. The landscape has changed quite a bit over the last twenty years. I will argue that my position is quickly becoming the minority position in Evangelicalism. I hope Sam will give us the “insider” info from his perspective.
3. Defining our terms - ”Charismatic”: Here we will attempt to define what it does and does not mean to be Charismatic. We hope to correct misconceptions of what it means to be Charismatic and what is means to be cessationist.
4. Defining our terms – “Tongues”: Of course if we are going to discuss the issue of tongues, we need to understand what the gift of tongues is.
5. Defining our terms – “Prophecy”: When I say I don’t believe in modern-day prophets, I means something very particular. But do Sam and I have the same understanding of what it means to have the gift of “prophecy”? Maybe we are just speaking past each other. Maybe we are not. We will see.
6. A Biblical Defense of Cessationism: This post will be on my shoulders with Sam’s response. I will do my best to give a biblical defense of cessationism.
7. A Biblical Defense of Continuationism: This will be Sam’s. I will respond with cutting resolve and supernatural wisdom. Sam will cower in a corne . . . Ahem. Sam will respond to my response.
8. History of the Charismatic Gifts: I will explain how church history presents a problem for me with regard to the Charismatic issue. Sam, the former historic theology prof at Wheaton, will dismantle me at every turn, leaving only mud on my face.
9. Abuses in the Charismatic Movement: Here we will both talk about the practical problems Charimatic gifts can produce.
10.  What Are Non-Charismatics Missing: So what, Sam? Why should I be Charismatic? What am I missing if I don’t? We will start here with Sam. Then I will respond.
11. Conclusion: Open for any concluding remarks from either Sam or me.

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